[b][H2][Center][color=steelblue]Henry Pearl Avaritia The 2nd[/color][/center][/H2][/b] [Center][@TheWindel][@KoL][@Mega Birb][@Awesomoman64][@Lmpkio][@Banana][/center] [hr] As the missiles rained upon Zeruel he noticed they weren't doing much in comparison to the ridiculous amounts of pressure the Machine had just put on the massive Laguna Angel. Zeruel was utterly destroyed as he was sent flying into a nearby mountain, seemingly dead. But Henry knew betrer, he fought his fair share of Laguna Angels and he knew just what the fuck he was trying to pull. [Color=steelblue]"OH no you don't. This ain't over."[/color] Henry flew slightly closer to Zeruel as his eyes began to glow once more. Missiles didn't do back shit to the guy, so it was time to crank things up several notches. Space began to distort in front of Zeruel and he would feel himself getting pulled into a miniature black fucking hole as Henry made sure the bastard died. Henry's eyes started to bleed slightly, he had never tried making anything on this scale but fuck it. The black hole and Zeruel was far away enough from everyone else that they wouldn't get pulled in, unless they went to go help him.