[center][h2][url=http://imgur.com/vIhSQEJ]Spartan XVII: New Breed[/url][/h2] [hr] [h3]Good morning Spartan! Today is a big day! Your solo training is officially over, now you have to learn to work with others just like you![/h3] [hr] So far you have been on your own with very little interaction between yourself and other spartans, only your instructors. But, Today is the day that you meet your squad. Good luck - My suggestion: make a good impression. [hr] We are all in an underground base on a dwarf planet called 'Installation: 009' Your squad is the only that is being trained on this dwarf planet. However, there is a very large military base, the main base of most outer planetary missions for marines to be exact. Most of the world is covered in very dense forests, except for the HQ of the military operations on the planet. There is a huge city there surrounded by walls upwards of a mile high. You have never been there, or even seen it, since you havent been above ground since you were 6 when you were brought here to start the advanced augmentation progress after surviving your first dose. (The augmentations are harsh on the body and most recipients die) Since then you have been grown and raised below ground. You have been genetically copied so that if you lose any organs our nearest medbay can replicate them and insert them (hopefully) before death. You have grown fond of your instructor that you have seen every day since your arrival but it is definitely a love-hate relationship and you are ready to step onto your own. Lucky for you, today is the day. [/center] Rules: My word is law. You know this. Don't test it. No god modding your character. Be nice in OOC, I don't want to have to give the mods any trouble. Have fun. Nothing less. [center][hider=CS] Name: gender: Age: (between 16 and 18) Serial #:(your favorite number maybe? has to be 3 digits long) Appearance: Specialty: (Discussed in Interest check - if new talk to me) Personality: Weapon of choice: [/hider][/center]