Alexander looked back at the group, seeing as though everybody was more or less awake and talking already among themselves. It seems one of them tried to take charge for the most part, talking to see what they were going to do and where they were going. Others had milled around the work space, finding two interesting tools/weapons but not much else besides that. The farm had been abandoned for years, picked clean, and anything of value was most likely eroded and rusted beyond use. One person seemed to have gone to the farm house alone, which was either for good or for bad. Alexander watched him enter the building before walking away, standing and looking over the group. "Look, it seems we all have the same general idea: We find what we can here that's of use and head of down the road. A while back when I found the safehouse I noticed this road leads west into western Pennsylvania. I don't know exactly where we're at, but I know this is a major route that we can at least follow for a decent bit. Hopefully we can find some small town or city to find more supplies. Let's see what we can find here, as I see three of you are doing. One of us has seems to gone into the farmhouse. I don't know about you, but I think we should at least look with him. Better stuff might be there." Alexander simply noted, climbing down to go meet the others on the ground floor. "I say once we check the house, we should take a move on while there's still sunlight." Back in the house, the low growling continued to sound. Nothing moved, doors didn't open, just the low growling continued. After scrounging around, Nikolai seemed to find a small kitchen knife the size of his hand. It was a bit dull, but the tip was decently sharp, enough to stab something with enough force. He found nothing else with the quick glance, but the growling now seemed to get louder.