Name: Alan gender: Male Age: 17 Serial #:463 Appearance: Under the armor, Alan is a pale guy, with blue eyes and dark brown hair. He has a visible scar that, though not attracting too much attention, did make it difficult for him to speak. Alan's armor, as though it is as pale as he is himself, is a light gray. The armor has a darker gray stripe that starts at the chin of the helmet and moves up until it meets the visor. The visor itself is blue, and is thinner than most armor's visors to reduce the chance of light reflecting off of it while camouflaged. After the Stripe meets the visor, it splits into two lines that follow the visor to each side. Once the stripe reaches the ends of the visor, the go straight up once again, to the back of the helmet. Besides that stripe, the rest of the armor is simply gray with dark gray trimmings. Specialty: Stalker Personality: despite his scar, he can, of course, still speak. it is difficult for him, though, and he prefers being silent anyway. Besides that he does seem to enjoy occasional small pranks while relaxing, otherwise simply reading a book. During fighting, he is nearly unable to be heard, and his extreme sneaking skills can make it seem like he almost teleported from one place to another. Weapon of choice: Usually he stabs someone in the back with a large knife, but when that is not an option, he carries with him a sniper that he uses while camouflaged to take out enemies both from a distance and unseen. The sniper has a silencer on it.