Wasn't MEA the project of Bioware's Edmonton studio? Namely, the one that hadn't produced anything before? The animation shortcomings were a bit of a surprise to me, given that I've been playing through DAI and the animations are really well-done. And DAI was released about 3 years ago. Perhaps they had less time to work on MEA (relative to the other ME titles). It wouldn't be the first time Bioware has pushed something out [i]really[/i] quickly. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] larger [b]conspiracy of Bioware to employ women, gays and feminists regardless of animating ability to appease tumblr[/b]. [/quote] [img]http://www.azquotes.com/picture-quotes/quote-privilege-is-when-you-think-that-something-s-not-a-problem-because-it-s-not-a-problem-david-gaider-67-28-00.jpg[/img] Bioware has been super progressive since the beginning. I mean, [i]interspecial romances[/i], come on.