All seemed settled or as much as it could pass for in this period of urgency. The ambushers would strike together, allowing the mage's spell first to do the greatest of work it could and render the distracted enemy ever more useless. It was in Brannor's mind that once the throng of foes to the outskirts were away enough, they would surprise the attackers with no mercy or quarter given; not a single one of them the man intended to take alive. They had wasted enough time already attempting to do so before and the very least these fiends and their servants deserved with a bloody death. This aside, they were to rescue those trapped within... and escort them back. Needless details like capturing the enemy alive were not to be considered, regardless of what had been asked of him and the others here. It was then he watched closely the gestures of Mr. Lake to come, all before drawing back the string of his bow with easy force, making the gesture almost casual. Again, his attention returned to the front and he set his sights on the enemy. Peering at them with a vengeful seething, he adjusted his aim and tracked them as they stoked their flames. The thrill and the anticipation of the hunt, how it welled within him again. It called and beckoned to the animal within his heart, urging him to just let loose. For a moment the arrow teetered upon the string, the bowman behind it resisting the urge to take a shot of opportunity. Not yet could he, not until the mage did his work and the halfling her own. After the shot however, would he close the gap and cut them down in a fitting end. "Whenever... our time is short to attack." He growled and adjusted his readied shot. That moment of hesitation to plan threw his aim, as his instinct superseded his intellect. After all, he was a man that fought by wild emotion and feeling. Ignoring the impulse, the drive, clouded his mind rather than brought clarity to it. Among other things, it made working with thoughtful folk problematic, in addition to all the other troubles faced. Granted it was a more intellectual approach, the spell [i]would[/i] unquestionably give them more an advantage, but then again it was not inherent to Brannor. The idea, the whole thing as it was, was as foreign as it could be in thought. [hider=Effects] Brannor readies his action to attack an enemy at the back of the temple that is unaffected by Mr. Lake's [i]Sleep[/i] spell when it is cast with his hunting bow. After, he will move into position to engage the remaining foes in melee combat with his greatsword, using his opportunity attack if any attempt to flee and provoke from him. If the party has a surprise round to take these actions, on the following turn he will attack the nearest enemy, preferably a conscious one, with his blade. Brannor rolls a [url=]16[/url] for his initiative. Brannor rolls a [url=]21[/url] for his longbow attack and if it hits, it deals [url=]2[/url] piercing damage as it grazes a target. [/hider] [@Hekazu][@Ryonara][@Lucius Cypher][@Gordian Nought][@Norschtalen]