Zelda knocked. No answer. She knocked again. Still no answer. She knitted her brows. What was Link doing? Zelda dared to turn the doorknob and peer inside. His table was still clean, and his weapons were still mounted on the walls. She glanced up the stairs to the overhang where the bed sat and listened for a moment. Gentle breathing. [i]That boy is still sleeping![/i] She stepped inside and shut the door. Link would need a solid breakfast when he got up, but having little practical experience with cooking, she decided today was an excellent day for experimentation. Zelda rifled through his pouch (sitting on the floor) for any ingredients that looked appealing, and picked out an egg, a slab of meat, and a couple herbs. [i]Now, how did this work again? Do I break the egg in the pan?[/i] She hovered the egg over the edge of the pan and gently rapped it on the edge. Nothing happened. She hit it harder, and it cracked, but still nothing spilled out. Frustrated, she smashed it into the edge and splattered yolk and egg shell bits all over the pan. Zelda grumbled at the "stupid egg" while she fished out the bits and dropped them in the sink. With the flame turned up, the eggs started to sizzle and snap at a pleasant rate. They browned considerably at the edges before she turned them over, and while a professional chef might have fired her for making them dry and ugly, they weren't awful for a first-timer. Next came the meat. Suffice it to say the meat turned a bit too black before it occurred to Zelda that it was done. Finding it dry, she doused it in water and put it back. The resultant flare up didn't make the meat any moister, so she took it off entirely to preserve whatever meat hadn't yet turned to charcoal. Zelda stared at it and scratched her head. [i]Maybe I'd better get my own meat before trying this again. I'll have to get Link to show me how to hunt.[/i] She peeled off the charcoal, set the eggs and meat on a plate, and scattered herb bits on top of everything. Now, all that was missing was Link. Hopefully, the smells and cooking noises would have awakened him.