[@Iuniper][@Heat] the thing is, If you want to say Bioware hires progressives and feminists, fine, they obviously do. But its those who pretend like this is a [b][i]recent thing[/i][/b] thats ruined the series, when it actually just business as usual. The trailer was blamed for pandering to SJWs because it had a black guy and a girl with short hair. [img]http://images.eurogamer.net/2017/articles/1/8/8/1/0/6/5/mass-effect-andromeda-trailer-showcases-new-aliens-another-squadmate-148542459176.png/EG11/resize/600x-1/quality/80/format/jpg[/img] But then these are supposedly fans of the franchise who think ME2 was the best in the series for some reason. And guess what that has? But then, we shouldnt criticise them speaking out because of um Freezepeach.