[@6slyboy6] I was a bit stuck on my fleet and such. I'll just start out with 3 types of ships: Corvettes, Destroyers & Cruisers and just claim the larger parts of the fleet got blown to smithereens by the empire or whatever empire-friendly nation other players have that want to blow up my guys. [hider=Sub-orders in space] While the ground forces of the Relicants can, reasonably, called powerful, their fleet lacked their strength. Using simple railguns and torpedoes, so far the fleet managed to survive. Until the humans came. Until their entire fleet was destroyed in a single, savage, strike. Since then the Rebel Navy has been looking everywhere to give their ships an edge in space. It took their greatest advantages and applied them, in a make-shift way to their ships: the various sub-orders of the Tranquil Order. A band of a specific sub-order gives a ship a powerful boon to be used by its commander. [i]Tide-Casters[/i] - Masters of water and liquid, the Tide-Casters allow a captain to cloak his ship inside a nebuala cloud. obviously sensors can sense a nebula cloud moving. But they cannot say where inside the cloud the ship is exactly. The more bands (1 band = 5 people requiring moderate comfort) travel on a ship, the bigger the cloud they can drag with them. In combat, the cloud can be "thrown over" a ship for an amount of time (after which entropy takes over and the cloud becomes too thin). This blinds the ships sensors completely. [i]Geomancers[/i] - With their master over metal and anything solid, the Geomancer's boon is simple yet devastating. Each band of Geomancers can hold an asteroid behind the ship. When the moment is there, the asteroid can be launched at a target. Corvettes and destroyers can easily dodge the hulking rocks. Cruisers can too if they notice it in time. In a way, the larger the craft, the lower you chances of evasion (doesn't mean you can't just shoot the damn rock). [i]Seers[/i] - Having a band of Seers on your ship is generally a very unnerving thing. Many crew members straight up ignore the white-cloaked men and women. Even on small ships. They seemingly never speak and merely meditate in desolate places like the cargo hold or the engineering deck. However, those few captains that dare take on a squad of Seers know how useful they can be. If close enough to an enemy ship, the seers will start grasping at the minds of the simple crewfolks of the enemy ship. First carefully probing their mind for commands. After that, they unleash the horrors to distract said crew. Decreasing an enemy ship's efficiency. As the seers cannot choose which crewmember they target specifically, the decrease can range from minor to devastating (however, the more "targets", the less chance of a devastating attack). In extreme cases, when a Seer can keep the hold over a human for too long, the human can either die due to brain hemorrhage or be temporary (only physically) controlled by the Seer. Once again, results vary. [i]Voidwalkers[/i] - Arguably the most demanding of the bunch. Voidwalkers, without the right accommodations, are almost useless. Almost as in they can make your engines slightly more efficient. Most destroyer and corvette captains, though, find that the advantage they gain from their presence does not outweigh their cost (5 more mouths to feed on the ship). However, with the right accommodations, the Voidwalkers can be a devastating and dangerous addition. For each band of Voidwalkers, 3 'expanse cells' must be available. Expanse cells are orb-like cells on the outside of the ship. A Voidwalker is held inside this cell through an arm (and wears a special suit so he doesn't die of exposure). These cells outer shell can retrace allowing a Voidwalker to be "one with space" (even among Relicants this statement makes them question a Voidwalker's sanity). However, it does seem to enhance their psionic power. Which they can discharge in the form of blue lightning like energy which seems to do quite a number on smaller human ships their armor. However, most Voidwalkers also demand a giant observatory deck to gaze into the nothingness. A steep demand for anything smaller than a cruiser.[/hider] [i]Angel-class Corvette[/i] - With it's sleek, arrowhead design, it cuts through a nebulae cloud with ease. The Angel-class Corvette is designed to deliver swift strikes and vanish again. Generally, it counts a crew of maximum 15 and holds room for another 10 passengers(or 3 if they want comfort). The minimum required crew is 5. The Angel-class is standard equipped with 2 torpedoes and 2 small railguns to deliver the pain. [i]Principes-class Destroyer[/i] - Slightly larger than the Angel-class, the Principes is the first ship that would actively be used in a one-vs-one fleet battle. It's nimble and fast due to its 5 ion engines. Just like with the Angel-class it has an arrowhead shape but it's longer compared to the Angel-class. Furthermore, it has small wings protruding its sides. Holding 2 extra torpedoes on each wing. The Principes is armed in total with 6 torpedoes and 4 small railguns. Unlike the Angel-class, the Principes-class holds no spare room and has a maximum crew capacity of 15 people. However, it does require at the very least 9 people to operate. Principes-classes are the only starships that have no room for Geomancers, Tide-Casters, Seers or Voidwalkers. [i]Inanis-class Destroyer[/i] - The Inanis-class is a rebuilt version of the Principes. It got stripped of all its weapons and instead houses an Observation Deck, 3 Expanse Cells and room for 2 bands of any sub-order. It's very adaptable and despite the presence of the Observation Deck, it can still be outfitted with a workshop of a sub-order's desire. [i]Imperia-class Cruiser[/i] - While the Principes and Angel-classes can somewhat fit in the same size category, the cruiser immediately jumps up. With a crew requirement of 25, the Imperia-classes swiftly overshadow their smaller bretheren. Their stern looks quite the same as an Angel-class corvette. But like with an arrow, it has a long, tube-shaped length behind the arrowhead. Imperia-class cruisers used to be the backbone of the Fleet. However, these days they serve as flagship of the small, scattered fleet that continue to harass the human supply lines. Imperia-classes are outfitted with 2 torpedo tubes and hold a total of 10 torpedoes inside. Furthermore, it can use its 2 medium-sized railguns, combined with the 4 smaller ones, to pack a devastating punch. It holds enough room to house 2 bands of one sub-order. However, it doesn't have Expanse Cells so Voidwalkers aren't really welcome. For peak performance, about 55 to 60 crew members are required to operate an Imperia.