[color=#87CEEB][h3]Shaun[/h3][/color] Shaun twisted and turned into his own bed, so much so that he slightly edged his bed out of place. After a moment his eyes snapped open and his profuse sweat splattering over his clothes. [i][color=#87CEEB]Another nightmare of the same thing...[/color][/i] he though, forcefully grabbing his shaking hand to force it into stillness. He hadn't noticed but he was also hyperventilating, as if he's never had a gasp of air in his entire life, he was unable to calm himself down, continuously pinching his arm but it didn't help. His hyperventilation only seemed to worsen overtime till a woman entered the room. She looked as worse- if not worse off than him, and her very visage calmed him down somehow. He had no idea why but he felt a sort of 'connection' with her, but chose to not do anything- he was just glad he looked like he wasn't dying anymore. His hair was a mess and unkempt, trying a vain effort to keep himself tidier but steadily failing. Shaun still felt a shadow of something wrung around his neck, he gulped but it felt hard to do so. He loosened the tie to basically drape over his neck, and even then it still felt that it was choking him. He couldn't just sit still on his bed, he had done the tests earlier before he had slept, he was allowed to walk around the room a little bit. Loosening his bones, his bones groaned and cracked all over. His worried visage was slowly being replaced with his natural- scowling resting face. He glanced over to the two having a conversation; [i]"What about you? Are you accident prone, or something?" [/i] [color=#87CEEB]"Hey,"[/color] Shaun called out, forgetting his conversing etiquette [color=#87CEEB]"What exactly did the Nurse mean about 'special cases'?[/color] [right][@Irisity][@Tancuras][/right]