[b] Beru Nagimari[/b] unlike many of the other genins of Konoha, the ones on Beru's squad were being trained in the woodland surrounding the village. in Beru's mind, training outside of the Leaf Village would offer more of a challenge since one would not have to be wary of using their full potential and causing a good amount of damage to the village. he was glad to be away from the judging eyes of jonin who disapproved of his very strict training methods, and today was his students last chance at getting in some hard sparring before the start of the chuunin exams. his students were Kokai Hyuuga, Kato Mikuro and Matsuo Bushou. even though he found mentoring genin to be an annoying burden, he did find teaching members of the prestigious Hyuuga clan and the very old Bushou clan to be interesting, he gave a happy thank you to his ancestors when he found out that he would not have an Uchiha among his squad. Teaching genin was enough burden and having an Uchiha be one of the genin would make it even worse. his clan was not fond of the arrogant Uchiha clan, and they were especially displeased when one was chosen to be leader of Konoha, but they had to swallow their indignation and recognize Minemoto Uchiha as the Hokage. but having an Uchiha as leader would not change anything between the their two clans and Beru hoped that one day the Nagimari clan would become the next great line of Hokages. the forest where Beru was training his squad in was thick and the tree tops grew close together, making the area shaded. he had given his students ten minutes to move away from him and prepare themselves for his attack. once the ten minutes were up, he would attack a good amount of speed and power. he would try to hold back only enough so that they weren't easily killed, but he would give them one hell of a training exercise. this training exercise was to see how long his studnets could last before he had them at his mercy, it was about survival because when on a dangerous mission, a shinobi's survival skills are what determined if they would live or die. this one of the many very rough types of training that he put his students through and it didn't make him very popular among some of the other jonin in Konohagakure but he didn't care, he knew that his methods would make his squad strong and powerful. now that the chuunin exams were very close, he wanted to push them as hard he could in this survival exercise. one of the reasons for him pushing them so hard was because if they proved themselves as worthy shinobi then they would be made chuunin and he would no longer have to mentor like he did with now. now that the ten minutes were almost up, he hoped that his squad knew that lower level ninja such as themselves would be complete fools to attack him without any sort of plan or forethought.