Jip turned to Jeff wide eyed, and spun to shoot him, but before he could react, his gun went flying out his hands and he fell to one knee as hurricane force winds battered him down. Them he felt it, two sharp pains in his chest as Jeff's stomped him clear across the battlefield and into one of the thick metal bars in the Ordo gate. His back snapped, and he fell to the ground, his guns scattering as he flew. Gib turned briefly, but noticed that his vents had been melted shut. The smoke began to shake in midair, but didn't disappear. Rather, his magnetic control on it had been removed. Gib grabbed Jenso's flame whip, but it melted through his gloves immediately. "What?? These guys.." Gib struggled but his arms began to shut down as the circuits burned, "...they're on a whole other level..!"