[center][h2][color=orange]Hildr Reinhardt[/color][/h2][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] It was utterly astonishing to see what could occur in the span of one Valkyrie drop-kicking their way through the sky, as it appeared that the artificial Valkyrie was wiped out before Hildr could even get a chance to trade blows with it. An unfortunate outcome, though her disappointment was abated by the veritable lightshow which had sent the Laguna flying towards a slow, painful demise if they Demons and Machina chasing it down didn't have anything to say first. This also left Hildr with an abundance of inertia and no real target, a situation quickly remedied by a disturbance in time alongside a familiar aura of malevolence. Beneath her helm, all manor of amusement on her features was dashed aside and replaced with a warped rigor of mania. Teeth grinding and eyes burning with the gold of destruction, Hildr was ripe to burst and unleash her might upon the Queen of Hell where others had only wounded. Treating the fabric of reality as though it were moist stationary, Hildr punched through an arbitrary point in the air and disappeared from her previous trajectory. When next she appeared, she was preceded with two rip lines launched ahead of her while the Elder Valkyrie exited horizontal to Ira. The chains would tear into the Queen of Hell and hold fast, so when Hildr tugged upon them Ira would be sent flying off of the downed Harpy and collide with Hildr's leading boot. It may not have been an infinite inertia island, but some people had to make do with brute force. [@KoL][@TheWindel]