[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] The black guy got far less shit, but the woman (cora harper) was definately a huge problem for the Freezepeach warriors. Complaining they made her too butch and ugly to appease feminists etc. [/quote] Yeah, see THAT I remember seeing. Lots of complaints like "Why would I want to pay money to spend half the game romancing [url=https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/images/17/mar/07mea.jpg]this?[/url]" Which is shallow, but, I mean shit man, it's a videogame fantasy romance. It's not like that gets DEEPER because you gave the virtual GF purple hair and an Adam's apple. Plus there were some pretty unfortunate glitches that didn't do much to allay any SJW fears -- like in the game at launch it's literally impossible to build a white guy to play as. That's, ya know. I mean I totally buy that it's an accidental glitch and all, don't get me wrong, but that's not the press your game needed to escape "WTFSJW" claims.