[center][h2][color=92278f]Bonesword[/color][/h2][/center][hr] He kept his sword drawn at Victoire, waiting for her to do any funny business. Honestly he didn't really want to smite her, as if she just came peacefully with him then nothing bad would happen, but she instead seemed to want to make a deal with the skeleton. Now, the skeleton didn't want to be rude and just outright take his sword directly through her breasts, and he kind of wanted to hear what blasphemy the succubus-vampire had to propose. He heard the call from Hibiki, but he didn't think that he'd be too threatened by it. In fact, he had an idea brewing in his head as he stared down Victoire. [b][color=92278f]"... go on."[/color][/b] [@KoL] [hr][hr][hr][h2][center][i][color=8dc73f]Abigail, the Restless[/color][/i][hr][/center][/h2] Abigail stopped firing at the jets when she noticed that her fire wasn't really doing much to stop them, so it slowly became a futile effort. A strong Dreambolt could probably do it, but alas, she had nobody to even work with it. It became an interest of hers to just go try and tip the odds for another combatant, this time around being a fight in the aid of Syphax against Ira. Abigail rocketed off in flight and flew to the section of the area where she could safely watch the two duel, and instead of her getting involved with it, she stayed hidden in order to take Ira down if Syphax failed. Then the fight was interrupted by Hildr flying into the scene... yeah maybe it was time to try and fight something else... maybe the demon that fought for the Machina was good enough? He was dueling right now, so maybe he'd be a good target for the ghost? With that, Abigail shot back off towards the central area towards Victoire and the demon she was fighting, in an effort to take one or the other down. [@TheWindel][@Mega Birb] (Edited - [@Lonewolf685] I fixed the original post)