A few hours later, Kali awoke with a groan. Everything hurt. Her face throbbed, and her leg- Well, it felt like shit. Almost immediately, she jumped up on the bed, sitting straight up. But, that hurt a little much, and she laid back onto the pillow. "Where... am I?" she groaned. She raised a hand to her face, feeling nothing but dried blood. Impossible. It couldn't have healed that fast. There was no way in hell [i]any[/i] wound could ever heal that quickly. Unless there was a witch involved. Again, that was impossible, as witchery had been outlawed years ago. Either it was witchcraft or she was dead. But, this certainly didn't look like heaven. Kali took in her surroundings carefully. The rickety bed beneath her was decent, so whoever resided in this home was richer than the average person. The cornflower blue sheets were soft, and also... covered in blood. Probably Kali's blood, really. But other than that, they were of a quilt-like material. There was a soft pillow beneath her head, which she quickly inferred to be made of some sort of feather. And the room itself was simple, with a blue carpet at the doorway and a dresser and mirror in the corner. At least, that was as much as Kali could see with only one eye open. She sighed again, half-closing her other, uninjured eye. She might as well bide her time until whoever owned this house came back. [@Irisity] (note, this was several hours later, when Kali had woken up)