[center][h3]Jungle Tabernacle - Lair of the Brood[/h3] [@Zarkun][/center] The Broodlings were going to be a rather simple task. This... Princess? Brood Princess? If Silitha is Queen. Either way it did not seem intent to stand by while it's children swarmed Wrath. The mutated Broodmother began to glow with a blue-purple energy before spewing a small barrage of webbing like bullets, before crawling backwards up the wall, it seems intent on resuming this style of attack. Meanwhile some of the broodlings began to encircle Wrath, while a main force rushed him from the front. There was a lot to contend with, but based on it's need to move up the wall, it was not that advanced yet. This may still be a bit of a challenge with the seemingly endless swarm of Broodlings. [hr] [center][h3]Jungle Tabernacle[/h3] [@floodtalon][@ProPro][/center] As the unlikely pair reluctantly accompanied one another down the somewhat hidden path, they found themselves stepping down a stairwell, in the middle of the jungle, leading them to a long tunnel. Large, spacious, it was strewn with dead angels, feathers everywhere and destroyed armor. There was nothing on the other end, but they can be sure whoever or whatever did this had gone through here. Likely a demon, so whatever they were going to see on the other end was such. As soon as they emerged they could see the site of a battle, scattered all about, they seemed to have found the hot-spot, somewhere near or on the No-Man's Land of this battle. They could even hear the bedlam of screeches and clanging and gnashing of weapons and flesh halfway through the tunnel. However what was more to their interest was the great structure near the end, they seemed to be fighting over entry to that mostly. So likely something relevant to them was in there, however they had a battlefield to cross. The straight path that was obvious to them was also right through the middle, it's likely they'll have to get into a fight that way unless they had some plan cross it in a flash, or they can take a detour through the jungle and sneak around, this was of course to reach that building. There was another path that led in another direction, a detour, but that would mean forgoing this building for awhile. [hr] [center][h3]Jungle Tabernacle - Through the Ruins, Village[/h3] [@Lazo][@Lugubrious][@kapuchu][/center] The ruins did not seem to be of interest, or at least immediately. Fenn was more eager to follow the trail now that he's picked up a cleaner direction just outside the ruins, and the general consensus was to follow it before they lose it. The unlikely team exit from the halls of that grand ruined building, and found themselves going down what may have looked like a city street, albeit it's almost completely covered by overgrowth. The lush green with pockets of sunlight peering through the towering canopy, with the faded and mostly hidden cobblestone paths and destroye d buildings claimed by either moss or vines, it was a serene view. If it wasn't for the sudden shriek somewhere in the distance, one would have forgotten a large battle was taking place around them. As they walked down this path, a large building began to loom ahead, passing the fountain at the center. Fenn took a moment to reaffirm the scent. There was no mistake. The scent leads directly to that building. Though as they reach the archway of what they suppose is a ruined village, they spotted two angels up ahead, talking. They were part of the Army of Light it seems. The first few words prompted everyone to decide to hide and listen instead. [i]"A great door you say?"[/i], [i]"Yes. I was asked to scout it not long ago. Some angels are already there studying it to figure out how to pass it"[/i], shortly after, a few more angels swept down. Though most looked the same, Fenn recognized their scent. It was the ones that fled from them earlier. [i]"Hmmm...? Where's the commander?"[/i], [i]"He has... Fallen in battle. We are here to warn that there may be some- Hm?!"[/i], the angel panicked drew his blade. He looked around, but he didn't seem to see anything. [i]"N-no... It... must be my imagination..."[/i], was it fear? Instinct? Either way, he was on alert, and it caused the others too to go onto alert.