[h1]The [color=00FFFF]Nightingale[/color][color=90EE90] Family [/color] [/h1] (Mainly Courtney) A only recently awoken Courtney Nightingale rested her elbows on the table as she leaned into it, sipping coffee from the blue mug in her hands. She gave a silent yawn, watching her son play with his toy cars through weary eyes. Tyson was up at the crack of dawn. Tyson was always up at the crack of dawn. Courtney was starting to think it was time to lock the doors at night but, she know, she would then spend the night freaking out about what she would happen if her son was having nightmares or was in danger and banging at the door wasn't enough. Unfortunately this lead to every morning starting the same, an energized toddler running into the room and jumping on the bed announcing the morning's arrival at the first signs of the sun. Luckily David had been on top of ushering the boy out of the room to allow his wife more sleep. [color=90EE90]"Oi, that's not good for the babies!"[/color] comes the half-joking voice of her husband as Courtney raises the mug to her lips. Where had he come from? The study perhaps? A glance at his arms revealed him holding a small cardboard box. More likely the garage, then. Paying more attention to his previous statement Courtney points the mug at him. [color=00FFFF]"Actually,"[/color] She retorts, [color=00FFFF]"I can have up to 200mgs of caffeine a day without a problem. that entitles me to 2 cups of coffee everyday, thank you very much. I do my research,"[/color] David shook his head, of course she did. If there was a way around something Courtney would find it. She takes another sip of coffee before asking; [color=00FFFF]"What's in the box?" [/color] [color=90EE90]"My parents found some of the toy cars my brothers and I used to play with when we were young, they brought them over for Tyson while you were at work yesterday."[/color] David looks up at his wife's pale green eyes, placing the box on the table and moving himself to stand behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. [color=90EE90]"How are you holding up?"[/color] he asks gently. [color=00FFFF]"With the pregnancy or..." [/color] [color=90EE90]"Either one... or both,"[/color] Courtney places the mug on the table before taking a shaky breath. [color=00FFFF]"I'm fine... I'm fine," [/color] she replies gently [color=90EE90]"You don't always have to be strong, y'know. I can take Tyson for the day if you wish, give you the day to yourself..."[/color] Unbeknownst to the parents Tyson heard his name among the mutterings and bounded over to his parents. If they were saying something about him he should know, right? [color=00FFFF]"No, no. Just during the funeral, I want to spend the rest of the day with my boys,"[/color] She turns her head, giving her husband a quick kiss. Tyson, whom had been watching his parents, scrunched up his nose in disgust, [color=fdc68a]"Yuck!"[/color] He proclaims. The couple both turn to their son, giggling slightly. Courtney slips out of her husband's embrace and scoops up her son. [color=00FFFF]"Well, if that's what you think I guess you'd want some too!"[/color] she proclaims before proceeding to cover her son's cheeks in kisses. [color=fdc68a]"No mummy! Yuck!"[/color] He complains, yet he does nothing to stop her. Eventually she pulls her son into a hug. [color=00FFFF]"I'm going to go out for a couple of hours, but you be good for daddy okay?" [/color] [color=fdc68a]"O-tay mummy,"[/color] he grins. Courtney lowers him to the ground before turning to her husband and kissing him on the cheek. [color=00FFFF]"You be good too," [/color] [color=90EE90]"I'm always good!"[/color] [color=00FFFF]"You and I both know that's not true," [/color] she says, leaving him to grab her keys, phone and simple arrangement of flowers that lay across the table before starting to leave the house, turning to blow a kiss for her son with a chuckle and reminding the pair to be good before closing the door and slipping into her silver car. From there she leave to head to where the funeral was to be held, soon finding herself following Jessica's car. [I]Makes sense[/I] she figured to herself. Olivia meant a lot the Leith. She knew that, most people did. The problem of a small town is everyone knows everyone's business.