Kanoko managed to crawl out of her Gundam, blinking as her eyes attempted to adjust to the harsh light of the hangar bay's interior. Her head was pounding; the fluorescent lighting certainly wasn't helping. Hearing the announcement to disarm, she reached down with an unsteady hand, unbuckling the survival pistol from her suit and lightly tossing it towards her current host. "Here...not like I can do much anyway. Gh...do you have a first aid kit? Or at least somewhere I can clean up?" She wiped the blood from her forehead again as she floated down towards the gathering, assuming that the owner of the vessel wanted a muster-up to see who she had given a ride to. On the way down, she passed familiar but unfamiliar faces: Gundams, but none like she had ever seen. The one closest to her RX-78EVA was stylishly decorated, closer in design to old samurai warriors of Japanese legend, the armor elegant with blue and gold trim and a single, green viewport which covered up the cockpit hatch. Turning to see the other unit, she received a chill up her spine; it was clad in black, flat-coated armor with amber trim, but the stark white of the Gundam's face and its body gave it the appearance of a reaper. Both of them exuded a presence that was almost overwhelming, and despite how small the black one was in comparison to her mobile suit, she could feel the power brimming underneath its armored shell. Floating down to where the other pilots had gathered, she attempted not to snicker at the bodysuit-clad pilot, remembering her own forays in zero-G at first. "You'll get used to it, eventually. It's a bit of a weird transition...so what's this about weird mobile suits?" She peeked over at the lavender-haired girl's data slate, frowning a little. "None that I remember seeing...the ones I fought looked really weird. And they moved like animals...or more like humans, to be precise." "Got any other pics? I mean...what about you?" She pointed at the blonde.