Azure head tilts slowly back as he opens his palms and begins to chuckle. "Hollow. Holllowwww. Your words are. But know..... that everything is not a lie, for nothing is something and in that nothing I find truth. A void. Void. An abysssss.. .You must fall into the abyss.... to learn the [b]Truth[/b]. You must carve out the eyes. With no eyes there is no deception. With no tongue there is no lie. To trap them in the darkness is to force upon them the truth.... You think the truth as a thing. The truth is a state.Man's truth is a lie, in that you are correct." Azure placed one of his bloodied hands on his mask as if to cover his mouth as he began to laugh at Steel. "So close. Yet far. I found my.... Truth. In the acceptance, of the harshest... of truths. It is within ...your grasp, but you choose to give up? You are [b]pathetic[/b]. Worse.Horrid.Wretched....More disgusting than all these who are ignorant...You have the knowledge.... yet you just choose to accept it some unreachable goal?" Azures other hand seems to disappear back into its tattered sleeve, as he leans over laughing and cursing Steel for his pathetic nature. [i]So lazy. So weak. So apathetic. No hope. No fire. The void is no place for those who reject it. Perhaps just maul him? No no. Don't. He is already suffering. Weakness....So weak.[/i] A rather bass laugh begins to echo through the halls. Not quite in tune with the one coming from Azures mask.....