[center][img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/4b3ec228a819c7ff518da3c04a177568/tumblr_nsf1w84hXW1ta7pubo1_500.gif[/img] [color=9D36FF] [h1]Bianca Nuit[/h1][/color] [@Plank Sinatra] [@Ayazi] [@Crimmy] [@HereComesTheSnow][/center] [color=9D36FF]“Of course.”[/color] I replied warmly to Gratia’s parents. [color=9D36FF]“Don’t worry, I’m taking care of myself.”[/color] I glanced in Jericho’s direction, opening my mouth to start on him. But, he had company and knowing him he’d make himself run to Atlas and back if he screwed this up. I looked back in the Severa and Valentinian with a slow nod. [color=9D36FF]“I should be off, Stella is waiting.”[/color]. I curtseyed once more and bowed my head before beginning to make my way past the group. As I passed Jericho I just gave him a small smile. [color=9D36FF]“It’s good to see you again.”[/color] I said avoiding him any humiliation and moving past him. I slid my headphones back onto my ears, and hummed along as I took a few steps outside. It was definitely starting to get colder. Nothing I couldn’t handle, of course. But still – I had always preferred summer and spring vastly to fall and winter. Though the fashion options did extend a fair amount, in which case a case could be made in my heart as to why fall is the superior mid-season over spring. On my way to the armory I made sure to snag a cinnamon bun from the cafe taking a huge bite into it. That was certainly a bonus in the cold weather. Warm food was all that much better. Finding the armory in no time at all I gently tugged open the door and was met with Luke and someone I didn’t quite recognize. I quickly shut the door behind me sneaking in as Luke shook her hand. She seemed to be about 23-25? I was never a good judge of age, but she definitely seemed older than Estelle. Meaning she was probably a teacher or a parent. [color=9D36FF]“Nice to meet you ma’am, my name is Bianca Nuit, a pleasure.”[/color] I said, remaining on my best behavior. Who knows, it could be his mother after all.