Nielson labs a lead researcher in plavsky particle research their studies in it have lead to quite a few discoveries and innovations. Though it was also more recently premier school for up and coming gunpla fighters. Accepting only the best and with aide from some of the best in the field made it on equal terms with the Gunpla academy. Quickly vying for spot of best gunpla school made it a force to reckon with being ran Nils Nielson the former "samurai boy" gave it that much more of a presence. In terms of pilots some of the greatest has walked away from its halls. While it cant boast to have once taught the meijin it has lead many people to the championship and once taught two champions as well. Nils Nielson sighed as he sat at a large desk his white lab coat drapped on a nearby coat hanger. While he admit he loved his job and all that it entails he could honestly deal without the sorting of applicants for the academy. It seemed like this year though he had a promising batch of students hopefully their time in the academy would prove fruitful them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yumi looked up as she arrived to the site of Nielson labs. The place that should she be accepted would become her home for the forseen future. With a confident look on her face she stepped forward her strong gait quickly leading her to the doors of the establishment her small stature making them seem that much larger than what they actually was. Once she opened the door she was quickly whisked away to a seating area with a slew of gunpla boxes lining the shelves. [color=f26522]"At the academy we recently implemented a standard rule that students will use a fresh straight build of a gunpla of their choices that over the course of the academy they will be able to change and customize to fit t heir standards. This is a way for students to see and view how they progress over their course at the academy should they pass the given exam. Please choose your kit and notify us once it is complete. Any tools that you may need has been provided for you."[/color] The assistant stated as she left the room and left Yumi to her own devices. With a soft sigh Yumi look around before spotting the kit she wanted to the Gusion it was a large suit but one that packed a punch. In IBO it wasn't the fastest but boasted a large amount of physical power. This was her something different from what she used before in the verde buster but something unique all the less.