[b][H2][Center][color=steelblue]Henry Pearl Avaritia The 2nd[/color][/center][/H2][/b] [Center][@TheWindel][@KoL][@Mega Birb][@Awesomoman64][@Lmpkio][@Flamelord][@Banana][/center] [hr] Henry was about to finish forming the ultimate fuck you to the universe and Zeruel when his concentration was jolted by two simultaneous things. One was Victoire's voice echoing in his mind for him to rendezvous with her for some reason, while the second was by the sound of screeching hawks and fighter planes which Victoire had just warned him about. Henry mumbled some curse words under his breath and let the black hole collapse on itself, instead forming a ridiculous number of flaming silver eagles with his Silver Eyes. They quickly intercepted the hawks and moved onto the fighter planes, Henry looked at Zeruel with contempt and spat in his direction, chuckling at his broken state. He then pulled a small egg shaped device out of his Hates of Tartarus and clicked a small button on the top.[Color=steelblue]"I look forward to killing you again."[/color] He tossed the egg right next to Zeruel and took off, leaving the mini nuke to do his dirty work for him when it went off. Henry flapped his wings hard and started heading over to Victoire. He noticed a demon fly by him, some sort of mushroom skeleton thing. Familiar looking too. Weird. Henry landed right next to some sort of crying ghost bitch and Victoire, smelling the distinct scent of basil in the air for some reason. Through some convoluted mental gymnastics he came to the conclusion that he did not want to know why the ghost was crying and he shuffled slightly further away from her. Victoire was one fucked up demon. [Color=steelblue]"Anyhow what's up? You want me to kill her?"[/color]