Everyone attacked as soon as Mr. Lake casted his spell. Six kobolds dropped, and two humanoid figures remained standing. Everything happened quickly but Kyra didn't slow down for a second. Brannor shot an arrow at one of the raiders, and Orchid followed up with his spear. Kyra Drew an arrow and aimed at the other humanoid figure; she figured Brannor and Orchid's attack would be more than enough, so she took aim and shot her arrow. She was aiming for the target's head, specifically between his shoulders, but instead the arrow sank into the target's shoulder instead. Better then nothing. Orchid charged forward to engage in melee and Kyra moved up as well. However unlike him, Kyra chose to take cover in some of the chapel's foliage. Though it was slashed up and ruined by the raiders, there was still enough of the bush for Kyra to hide behind. As she ducked down, a memory flashed in front of her eyes. Days of her youth where she played in this very same area, using her natural talents of masking herself in the wild to play games of hide and seek with her friends. How she would simply duck behind a bush and vanish from sight, only to appear later to give her friends a fright. As soon as she blinked Kyra was brought back to reality and remembered that this was no game. Lives were at stake now, and Kyra couldn't afford to be distracted. Drawing another bow she readied herself for another attack. [hider=Rolls] Initiative = [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/2059]10[/url] Shortbow Attack = [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/2060]23[/url] Shortbow Damage = [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/2061]4[/url] Stealth = [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/2062]12[/url] [/hider]