Shocked. That's the only word to describe how Corrine felt. Shocked. She looked up from her ringlets to hear a familiar voice. The curly haired girl knew that voice from a mile away. It was Rolo again! She had been meeting with him quite often. This had to be a coincidence, right? Except he didn't seem as sweet as he was before. In fact, he seemed pretty terrifying. His loud, booming voice was enough to make her heart skip a beat. She could feel her body shudder. But it certainly didn't help the swelling embarrassment she had inside her. She could feel hot tears form at the corner of her eyes and sting as they slowly slid down her face. She quickly covered her face with her hair once more; This time, covering her whole face. If she didn't make a sound, maybe no one would look at her. Oh, how she wished the class would end so she could wallow in a hole. Or maybe she could jump out the window quickly and save her from the shame. To distract her, she quickly took out a book. It was nothing that they were learning in class, but one of her personal books. Something to help her clam down while the class was too busy paying attention to something, rather someone, else. The scanned through the pages, but it was no use. Why couldn't this day just end and save her the suffering? Why was fate such a cruel and fickle mistress? Her stomach turned in knots as she thought of what might happen next. Would people make fun of her? Would they spread rumors and ruin her social life? Such lewd statements could destroy her reputation if taken the wrong way.