[center][img]http://data1.ibtimes.co.in/en/full/567826/bloodborne-24-tips.jpg[/img][/center] This isn't your first scourge, not if you've been in Yharnam for any amount of time or anywhere else in the world for that matter. But this one is definitely the worst. You aren't a hunter, not by a long shot. You might be a guardsman, making sure the people are locked safely in their houses and providing support for the real hunters and the mobs of angry citizens burning the beasts at the cross, but it isn't your job to take on the monstrosities. Hell, you might not even be that. You're a civilian, a Yharnamite just living out your life. You rely on blood, just like everyone else. Blood fuels this city. But its blood that will tear this place down. This night is the worst night, the plague is at its peak. The weeks or months preceding it have been just waves of death, the church locking up coffins and setting them on the side of the road as they move on. Its clear to anyone that this cursed place days are numbered. But you can't just leave, not anymore. Its impossible. The hunters will sort it out, the brave hunters, they always do... [i][b]Until they don't.[/b][/i] [center]****[/center] Welcome to The Simple Blood! This roleplay takes place on the night of the hunt, that hunt being the hunt you fight through as The Hunter of bloodborne. Except you aren't a hunter, you're just an ordinary citizen who's had colossal bad luck and now must learn to fight like a hunter to survive the night. We will be starting out in Central Yharnam and I'm leaving the path of where your Yharnamite will go up to you. You can either stay in the city and hold out until morning, flee to the woods to find shelter, or attempt to escape the city altogether. Though I warn you, that's next to impossible. Or, you can embrace the hunt and learn the ways of the hunter of beasts. Its up to you, all you have to do is survive. [center][h2]The Map[/h2] [img]http://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Bloodborne/bloodborne_perspective_map_by_ultima.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h2]The Cast[/h2] - Dr. Tiana Kuntikinte - [@The Dow Dragon] - William Ghasberg - [@Mikkishtheleprechaun] - Karl Adalwin - [@bloonewb] - Jasper Froch - [@ROADWARRIOR] - Max Friedrich - [@The Red Bear] - Dani Suffolk - [@AngelNoire] - Dr. Lucian Dexter - [@Blood Echoes] [h2]The Rules[/h2] 1. NO HUNTERS. At least not in the beginning and probably not even towards the middle. Do not apply with a hunter character or anything even remotely close to a hunter. 2. You're pretty average. You aren't a combat specialist, as stated above. But you are a human, and humans are smart and resourceful, so don't be discouraged. 3. You might die. Bloodborne is a vicious game, especially to Yharnam's normal citizens. So be prepared for death. 4. My word is law. What I say goes. 5. This is a high casual roleplay, meaning I expect a certain level of quality. Quantity I'm not really concerned about, but I ask that you put thought into each post. ****[/center] [hider=Character Sheet Format] Name: (Yharnam names are usually a mixture of western European names.) Gender: Age: (No characters under 16.) Appearance: (Picture or Description. Or both.) Brief Bio: (Notable Events in their life.) Brief Personality Description: (What are they like?) Occupation: (What their job usually is. Bloodborne takes place in a 19th Century style city, so keep that in mind.) Family: (Any fleshy family members in tow? You can create separate CSs for these people if you wish.) Equipment: (What your character wears, uses to defend themselves, anything else they carry with them. Keep in mind that it is highly unlikely they will have any hunter weapons. Think of the goons in Central Yharnam. Thats what they will have access to 9 times out of 10.) Other: (Anything else you want to mention.)[/hider] [hider= Dr. Tiana Kuntikinte] Name: Dr. Tiana Kuntikinte Gender: Female Age: 34 Appearance: Tiana is tall, dark-skinned, and slender. Her physique is similar to that of a runner. Her curly black hair is often tied up in a ponytail to keep it out of her face while she works with patients. Tiana's eyes are two different colors, a vivid, vibrant green and a thoughtful, warm brown. She always wears round spectacles. Her movements are deliberate and precise, but often gentle. From her demeanor you can tell that she doesn't make many mistakes. Tiana is often seen in her Doctor's attire, which is nice button up shirt, vest, and slacks with a white doctor's jacket. She wears a ring on her right ring finger, a symbol of her marriage. Her hands are slender and precise like the rest of her, as should be with a Doctor. Brief Bio: Tiana was born outside Yharnam in a far away desert land. Her parents and family made their way to Yharnam because they had heard of the miraculous blood that saved lives. Tiana's brother was ill and needed a miracle or he would succumb to the sickness. Tiana was still very young, about 5 years old, but she remembered the long journey and subsequent wait to get into Yharnam. It was here that she got her first taste of the suspicion of Yharnamites. It was a race against time as Tiana's brother neared closer to death. Finally, they were allowed in and she saw first hand the power of blood. It cured her older brother within a day, he was healthy as could be. She was amazed and fascinated and had been ever since. She devoted her years to studying the science and art of blood and medicine and to finding a solution to the volatility of the old blood. While she did visit Byrgenwerth on several occasions before it was deemed off limits by the church, most of her studying was done as a civilian doctor at one of Yharnam's academies. Tiana was offered a position at the church as a Black Church Hunter, but she detested the violent ways of the hunters, especially their paranoia towards anyone even suspected of being infected. She met her future husband, Thomas, about two years before she earned her doctorate. Funnily enough, she got pregnant that same year. They married and Liza was born months later. Tiana earned her doctorate when she was 28 and would go on to work for several hospitals throughout Yharnam. There she saw the first hand effects of blood gone wrong and resolved to find a cure to it. When she was 31, she was invited to join Iosefka's Clinic. The position would reunite her with an old colleague and she could focus on researching a cure for beasts. She accepted and moved her family to Central Yharnam. But as the night of the hunt draws nearer, she began to notice that the kindly and warm Iosefka had been acting strangely. Tiana tried to confront her about it, but when she did, everything went black. And when she awakes...Tiana will find herself in the streets of Central Yharnam...on the night of the hunt. Brief Personality Description: Tiana is a compassionate and intelligent person. Her experiences firsthand with the effects of the old blood and her line of work in general has made her hardened to gruesome sights, but she has never been there when those gruesome events played out. Likewise, she has never been in a fight in her life. She cares very much about Yharnamites, almost to a fault and distrusts the healing church. Hunters she is cautious of, but understands the need for their existence, however disdainful. But above her love of Yharnamites, is the love for her family. Deep down, no matter how much she hates this thought, she would destroy anyone or anything that would keep her from her family. It is her family that she will likely seek out first. Occupation: All-Purpose Civilian Doctor Family: Father - Amos, 60 Mother - Cecilia, 62 Brother - Dante, 37 Husband - Thomas, 32 Daughter - Liza, 7 All family members are in their homes with a night's worth of incense, but who knows what will happen? A lot of things can happen overnight. Equipment: A few syringes, blood vials, a stethoscope, some bandages, and a pair of scissors. Plus her Doctor's Attire (See Appearance.) Other: N/A [/hider]