Steel let out a deep laugh as his lie was poked through, the man was smarter then he looked from site and did not so easily let his mind fall into disarray, perhaps there was more to this man then originally seen. However Steel for the first time smiled at Azure as he looked him in the eye, with the same glaze he always had, one that had nothing in it but the darkness of the world and the life he had lived. [b]"So you saw through my attempt to mess with your mind, perhaps your a bit more a long then I gave you credit for, however... the truth you so unwittingly search for you will never find it, because the truth that you seek is not meant to be found until you understand the reason why you want to find it. An you don't understand yet, your young and naïve and believe that because you have gotten a taste of the darkness, of the abyss as you so refer to it, that you believe you understand. You may hide your face with that mask, but you can not hide the person you are, not from me. Iv walked in fire, fire that would burn you down to your bones, and Iv walked through a darkness so thick its chokes your very lunges and brings you to the point where you start to question if the end would be a better alternative then to keep walking through. You say I am weak and pathetic and that iv given up. If you are so stupid to believe an obvious and simple lie then how will you ever be able to tell real truth from the lies? That is why you will never know the truth because you are the one who is weak and lazy."[/b] Steel gave Azure another glare and then merely walked past him and continued his way down the hallway. He was done talking for now and if Azure wished to continue then he would do so.