[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/lf15JjO.gif[/img] [@Crimmy] [@HereComesTheSnow] [@Plank Sinatra] [@Silvan Haven] [/center] [color=9D36FF]“Nice to meet you Mrs. Cirsium!”[/color] I said still scarfing down the last bites of my cinnamon bun. Luke turned to me with all the shock of a gazelle, wide eyes, and the whole ordeal. [color=9D36FF]“I just got here now. I’m supposed to be meeting Stella here, but I think she’s running a few minutes behind schedule.”[/color] I said with a smile. [color=9D36FF]"I'm holding up alright, thanks."[/color] I tapped my foot on the ground. Things were different now, I'm not really certain as to what that meant which I suppose was part of the problem. It seemed as if I may've interrupted something, so for the time being I simply nodded at Luke with a smile and took a step back so they could continue the conversation. She pulled out her phone to fire off a few quick text messages. [code] Sender: Lil Miss Perfect/Bianca Nuit Recipient: Group - Hunter in the streets, Grimm in the sheets (Gratia Mindaro, Lucas Schwarz, Beryl Harken, Jericho Piper) Message: Hey all!! Just popping in to see if anyone is free for some coffee in about an hour. Hope everyone is having a good family day ~~[/code] Smiling as she heard Luke's phone buzz in his pocket she opened up her messages from Estelle scanning through them briefly before firing off a message asking if she was on her way. Returning back to reality, she felt as if she was... Queazy? [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/fWOaI0W.png[/img][/center] Estelle liked to walk when it was cold out. It wasn't about getting cold, rather it was the idea that she got to get warm afterwards. She really enjoyed that. That recovery process was heartening. She felt her phone vibrate and before she managed to grab it she knew what it was. Realistically, Bianca was being impatient - what else was new. Scanning the phone her sisters name appeared, as expected next to an inordinate amount of question marks and exclamation marks was the question [i]'when are you coming'[/i]. She had a lot of great features, her patience just wasn't one of them. [color=6050DC]"In all fairness, she probably got that from me."[/color] Estelle said with a brief chuckle to herself making her way to the armory. Walking through the school felt different when you worked there. It completely changed shape. It felt more like a home, which was nice but an unfamiliar feeling to be certain. She decided that she should buy herself a drink tonight. In order to celebrate. [color=6050DC]"Last time I got a proper drink was out at the bar-"[/color] She caught on before she managed to verbalize the thought to herself. Lauren Negasi still had her card. The details were blurry, but Estelle was pretty sure she exchanged her credit card in order to get her number. [color=6050DC]"Shit."[/color] She pulled out her phone and immediately found the suspect contact. [code] Sender: Estellise Sidos Van Heurassein Recipient: HBG (Hot Bar Girl) Message: Hey. Uh, this is Stella. By any chance do you have my credit card? I need it back.[/code] [hr] Not too long after I had sent my text Estelle came strolling in looking like a model as usual. [color=9D36FF]"Hey Stella."[/COLOR] I said giving her a quick hug as she warmly returned the favour. She looked a little pale for having been walking in the cold outside. [COLOR=9D36FF]"You alright?"[/COLOR] [color=6050DC]"Yeah, fine. Might have to cut coffee short - I have an... Appointment, with... Someone at the school." She said glancing over at Mrs. Cirsium's direction. "Ah, sorry to intrude, My name is Estelle - I'm Bianca's sister and I'll be the new Survival teacher."[/color] She also looked in Luke's direction with a warm smile and a nod. Ever since I had joined his team she started to appreciate him a lot more. "Hello Luke, how've you been?"