[center][hr][hr][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170328/ba12a3d2ad1d52227a4c02e3f0569b26.png[/img][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/db9ec0a6bb4058a47f268e8c03eef47b/tumblr_o821qkA1591uk7yneo1_500.gif[/img][hr][hr][/center] [sub][h3][color=1324a1]► In Character Information[/color][/h3][/sub][hr][indent][indent]Congratulations! Your application has been accepted! Located just over the hills and in sunny state of California, this prestigious college campus known as Hollywood University, is definitely welcoming to all of the students. With a welcome banner that is just as cheesy as any other college campus, the university has a certain uniqueness to it and that definitely shows with the type of students this campus attracts. The campus is adorned with pure green grass in abundance but you will also see sons and daughters of famous movie stars, producers, musicians and even models roaming around the campus. Along with some students are almost famous in their right, too. The campus is definitely perfect for the students that do not want to leave their parent’s mansions or even the paparazzi as it is located in its premiere location, Hollywood Hills. However, this year, things have changed. Not all students that attend Hollywood University hail from the famous hills of Hollywood though. This year the university now offers scholarships for those that are financially challenged but wish to attend the school for a good education. But for others that attend because it could be that they are one step closer to their dreams of stardom or so, that’s what they believe. While many students may enjoy the on campus activities such as sports or some kind of club, others enjoy going to the movie premieres, some sort of gala along with other star studded benefits. Missing class is a common occurrence and academic excellence is pretty lenient but for the right price, of course. Friendships and relationships are being formed on a daily basis. Drugs, hookups, parties and maybe a little violence happen within the area of the school along with certain cliques being formed. So, you might want to choose carefully who you associate yourself with and heedless decisions might pilot your life into a progression of unfortunate mishaps and loads of drama at Hollywood University. Most have been raised around the money and fame for their entire lives while others have not. Students of the rich and the poor are bound to clash as they attend classes and clubs. You better hope that you can handle the drama that will be swirling around the campus. Though, with all of the drama included, can you also balance the academic schedule along with a rigorous event schedule that you value so much? Before you apply to Hollywood University, you may want to ask yourself, do you have what it takes to attend this prestigious institute? Again, you better hope so.[/indent][/indent]