The year is 1920, and following the Great War, many regions of Europe are facing social collapse, with worker's strikes, union formations, and even revolutions becoming increasingly common. In one such place, a small nation by the name of Borovia, the fires of revolution burn in its capital city of Asnio. Ruled by a corrupt robber baron who holds both the government and military in his pocket, and controls the streets with his own paramilitary force of Blackshirts, the city suffers from many injustices. Children as young as eight years old are forced to work 12 hour shifts in grueling factory conditions, with many already suffering from accident-related injuries. The starving and homeless litter the streets as people are forced from their homes to make way for the next newest factory or assembly line, and sanitation is all but nonexistent. Ultimately, the people of Asnio have had enough, and have begun to take to the streets, forming protests, strikes, riots, and even calling for the violent replacement of the current government, and the execution of the infamous Robber Baron of Asnio. Now here's the kicker: We won't be playing the heroic revolutionaries, seeking to depose the corrupt leadership. No, we'll be playing the paramilitary Blackshirts under the thumb of the Baron. Some of us may be honest and good people, simply doing what is necessary to keep our families alive, while others in our ranks may be corrupt, ruthless criminals, reveling in the oppression of the downtrodden. All that truly matters, is that it's our job to dispose of the city's least for now. So any takers?