[h1]Samuel Deniel[/h1] Sam sighed quietly when Vyvyan either didn't notice or didn't care that he nearly asked about sleep walking. "I'm totally okay with music, I can't really play any instruments. I know a couple of things on piano, but that's because I just memorized which keys to hit." Sam was starting to feel more comfortable with the boy already, just the first few sentences were the awkward ones. Hearing one of the volunteers say Monster Hunting was mandatory kind of disappointed Sam, that wasn't one of the classes he was keen on taking. When he saw Vyvyan was his partner he was glad because he doubted Vyvyan would be taking Monster Hunting so that'd leave him free to take the two electives he really wanted to be taking. Before he could tell Vyvyan which electives he was considering they got to an elevator and one of the older students used a key card or something to open it. "Oh ya, dorms are on the second floor," Sam said as they all got in and went up a floor. The elevator was pretty spacious, which he supposed was expected since students with wheelchairs would be the ones using it. "Anyways, I'm torn between Cooking and Horticulture for my other elective, and since you're not taking either of those it doesn't help my decision." He chuckled slightly as they got to their dorm, room 222, "easy enough to remember at least," Sam opened the door then stood aside to allow Vyvyan and the people bringing their luggage inside. This was the real start of his second year at St. Fortuna's, he had his room, he had his partner, and he had the drive to do great things. [@Republic]