((OOC: Shores of Lake Bresha, DM Post)) Julian breathed a sigh of relief as each person indicated their consent to the plan. [i]This is going better than I could have hoped for... now for the next step.[/i] The hesitation that many showed was expected. The tears from one girl showed in part some of the emotions Julian had felt himself while uncovering the truth. He was certain they would not be the last tears to fall. The silence from Kirta made Julian feel uneasy, but it was better than a blade to the neck. And of course, the planner wanted to plan. “We might not have much time for an in-depth analysis of the situation,” Julian replied to Noir as he began to walk towards the building. “PSICOM is distracted with the attack. There should only be a handful of soldiers left, probably fewer than our number. The rest would have moved out to defend the area. My plan is to sneak in through the front door.” As he said it, the plan sounded increasingly absurd, but he had been assured it would work. “As for our inventory, well, that was my last charge of my Manadrive. It will only last a few more seconds, so we had better get moving.” Julian led the small group at a brisk pace, trying to keep mostly to the shadows. As they moved, he explained some of the intel he had gathered. “From last I knew, there was a small contingent of two to five people that closely guarded the fal’Cie. Several more generally patrolled the area, but attempted to blend in with the Guardian Corps so they wouldn’t draw unwanted suspicion. Those troops have been sent to fight the Pulsian force now from the last radio contact I heard. With any luck, the others have left too. Worst case, we fight them off, but we outnumber them. There... that’s the building straight ahead.” Julian paused, slowing his breathing. [i]Gotta keep calm. This is it. Everything we’ve worked for...[/i] He turned to look at the others, spending a moment to look them all in the eyes. “Each one of those soldiers out there is a person. A mother or father, son or daughter. Try to kill as few as you can. Subdue them, silence them, anything. We need to get into that building, talk to that fal’Cie, and hopefully get it out of there without killing any more people than we have to. On either side. Any questions?” Noir perked up on Julian’s directed question and asked in soft but clear voice. [color=6ecff6]"How do you suppose we proceed safely? I suggest we should approach either from two different angles or we do a leap frog movement. We might have the numbers and surprise advantage however that does not mean we should stay let our guard down."[/color] “Good thinking, Noir. That’s why I recruited you,” Julian replied. “Cocoon, we’ll take the left. Pulse, you head in from the right. Noir, lead the Pulse team, and meet up with me inside the doors when everything is clear. Everyone ready?”