[center][img]http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Nstar2/Other/emerald_avatar.png[/img][/center] [@Lucius Cypher][@PyroDash888][@Forsythe] [h2][color=1a7b30][center]Firing Range[/center][/color][/h2] [color=1a7b30]"Nya?"[/color] That was Emerald's response as she heard Diamond call out. Emerald slowly turned around, her jade eyes somehow growing larger as she saw who was with her teammate. [color=1a7b30]"MOM!"[/color] Emerald tossed the prototype weapons at Gren without a second thought as she beelined toward her mother. [color=1a7b30]"Momomomomom!" [/color] She practically launched into her mother like a rocket. Ivy, being used to her rather hyperactive child, caught her daughter swiftly and pulled her into a tight hug. [color=1a7b30]"Mom oh my gosh when did you get here I was gonna wait for you but then I got distracted with explosive weaponry!"[/color] Ivy smiled and simply put a finger on her daughter's mouth for a moment to shush her. Ivy chuckled, [color=007236]"It's alright Kitten, your father and I arrived not too long ago."[/color] Ivy's face became more stern as she looked over her daughter. Emerald was covered in plenty of bandages and quite a few scars and bruises. [color=1a7b30]"M-Mom! Don't call me that in front of my friends!"[/color] Emerald blushed and squirmed a bit in her mother's embrace as Ivy continued to look her over. Emerald noticed the concerned look on her mother's face and got nervous. [color=1a7b30]"Mom I'm fine...it's not as bad as it looks."[/color] Ivy pouted her lips, before gently touching the spot where Emerald had been stabbed. This caused Emerald to visibly flinch. [color=1a7b30]"Owowow! Don't touch iiiiit..."[/color] Ivy gave Emerald a look. [color=007236]"You shouldn't running around with a wound like that, much less testing weapons."[/color] The older cat Faunus shook her head. [color=007236]"You're just like your father, he never gives his wounds a chance to heal either."[/color] She bopped her daughter on the nose. [color=007236]"You take it easy the rest of the day, you hear? You don't want to reopen that wound."[/color] Emerald pouted and squirmed. [color=1a7b30]"Boooooooo..."[/color] Her attention was quickly brought to the basket of cookies that her mother revealed a moment later. [color=007236]"I'll give you one of my cookies Emerald...if you promise not to do anything stressful to your body."[/color] She waved a cookie in front of her daughter. [color=1a7b30]"That...that won't work on me anymore! I'm sixteen!"[/color] Emerald protested, though her eyes began to follow the motion of the cookie. It smelled so gooooood. She suddenly reached out and snatched the cookie, looking at her Mom with a blush.[color=1a7b30] "Okay...I promise."[/color] Ivy smiled and rubbed her daughter's head.