[quote=@liferusher] [@Invader Len] well thanks for calmly explaining what was wrong... [/quote] I would watch that attitude, I am the GM of the RP you’re applying to. If you can’t respect me, my rules, or my critiques, then you quite simply aren’t mature enough for this RP. My critiques are not personal attacks, they are corrections of character. And frankly, this character needs to be thrown out and completely rewritten. I don’t appreciate disrespect, and it sends me a big red flag. Because if you can’t respect me, then you won’t respect my story, my rules, or my players. If you can’t handle your tragic past Mary Sue being thrown into the trash compacter, then perhaps low casual is a more appropriate fit. I’ll have you kicked from the Discord until you submit a new CS and have it accepted, and I’d advise you to watch your salt. And read our rules, while you’re at it.