[Center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a9/44/c7/a944c7fed3999b903bbbe82ffbf43423.jpg[/img] [H3]SHAYNE "SHAY" HARTFORD [/H3] 24|WITCH|THE DREAMER|AGAINST THE WAR "There are more pressing matters than who is the Supreme race. Much more pressing." ADDITIONALLY -Shay is very bookish and tends to keep to herself. She is often seen as a bit eccentric because she's in her own head a lot. -She comes off as a bit naive because she wants to believe that peace is actually attainable. Doesn't mean she is actually naive though. -She was taken in by the witch coven when she was young, after her parents died in a fire. DUCK AND COVER!! UNDER HEAVY ARTILLERY FIRE!!! [/center]