"Yeah, regen tank. Veen standard tech on ships since the calamity war." Said Elizabeth. Saved a lot of my comrades lives... But the're all dead now." Sne said sighing and looking down. The woman clenched a fist but shook herself cleab of it. "Im just going to assume this is all real. Ive got way too much on my head right now to think about anything else. We need to survive now." She said and wlaked over to the tank. "Spent a little time in this myself." She explained to the newcomer. "But as for survival, so long as we can get my gundam frame up and running, we'll live." She said with hwr hope seeming to inflate as she spoke about it. "In the calmity war, which was a horrendous war which went from countries fighting to nigh unstoppable a.i. Running about in murderous machines known as mobile armors. My.... Ex organization i guess you would call it, developed mobile frames known as gundams, seventy two in total. Twenty eight were known to exist these three hundred years later, with the 29th being just a torso. We have said torso aboard this ship and depaute my life goals to being getting it working, i've got naught more than a cockpit and the two agab reactors..." She said, seemingly angry again. "Sorry, i got sidetracked with rambling stories." Said Elizabeth, shaking herself free of the emotions and scratching her head, giving a weak smile and closing her eyes. "This ship is an armored transport ship i've christened as the "Apollo Burning Star." In reference to an old album from way before the calamity war." She said with a soft sigh. "Had my family been respected and not shit on, wemd atleast have a decent halfbeak class military vessel, instead we just have the armored transport. Sorry its not more."