[h2][center] Oswald Connoly- Gymnasium/Corridor [/center][/h2] Oswald frowned as Demetra appraised Diamond. She wasn't wrong, not in the least. Diamond was, at best, displeased whenever she had to be near Sapphire. Their argument on the very first day of class showcased just how different the two were. And yet, these two dramatically different students were probably the closest thing Oswald had to friends in this place. As sad as that was, Oswald wasn't particularly concerned about making friends at Beacon. Something about Demetra bothered him, though. Something painfully familiar, enough to send a pang of hurt through his heart. The look she gave him reminded him of Blaine. So full of pain, so full of hurt. It was probably how he looked just moments before. "Well, you're not wrong about Diamond. She's...We've had a rough weekend, but hopefully things will be a little easier from here out." Forcing a half-hearted smile to his face, Oswald gave Demetra a polite nod. "And it's nice to meet you too, Demetra. Your sister's been a good friend for me." Chuckling a little bit, Oswald nodded at Sapphire. "So, how have you been enjoying Parents' Day so far? It's been...confusing for us so far, I guess would be the right thing to say." [@Prince of Seraphs]