Looks adorable! I'll check if our library has it for sure! Love the distraction idea. If I were ever in a movie, I'd be the one responsible for distractions. I'd also be the first to die. Ghent's explanation was shoddy, and Elayra's attire/weaponry was out of the ordinary, so that might explain Miles' suspicion, and why he'd choose to follow them. He craves world jumping even more than he craves a pack of cigarettes. xD Not a bad idea! I could ask around...I know my grandma could benefit from a garage sale...or her house could, that is. Your iPod failed you too, huh? About a year ago my iPod's home button screen got stuck, which resulted in me having to buy a new one. *sigh* Those things aren't cheap. My sister is having problems with hers now, too...so I'm beginning to wonder if these are the last Apple products that will grace our home. Glad you could find one on Craigslist! Heh, yeah. I'm kind of a chicken. I've heard my share of bad stories about the place (no thanks to my grandmother) but I imagine it'd be safe if the meetup place was in a public area. I finished it as well! I did enjoy it, and all the while I was thinking about our role play. When it came to them painting the roses red, I couldn't help but imagine the red paint was actually the blood of the beheaded victims. Nice thought to have, eh? :lol What were your thoughts on it? Any favorite/least favorite parts? My favorite chapter was chapter 7, A Mad Tea-Party. It was the most interesting to me and I was very amused by the trio at the table. That poor mouse just wanted to sleep! My least favorite chapters were probably 9 and 10, with the Mock Turtle...in my opinion, it felt very slow and repetitive. Haha, I've had my share of Disney movies that annoy me, too. I probably haven't watched the Disney version in over a decade, but it was one of the few VHS tapes we had when I was a kid, so I watched it a lot and it feels very fresh in my memory. Like you, I started[i] Through the Looking Glass[/i] but had to start over midway through chapter 1. I gave them a chance, but the voice actors weren't doing a very good job. I'll listen to a different upload tonight.