[@riprofsuls] [hider=Susan Bly] Name: Susan Bly Age: 24 Gender: F [hider=PIC or Description:] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/02/a7/b5/02a7b57a267aa170ac54f339bf80ba46.jpg[/img] [/hider] Biography: Susan was born on the road. Her father and mother were at the time wanted criminals in 6 states and when she was born, the police was on their tail. When she was 5, her parents decided to lay low so she can be raised properly. Of course, that didn’t stop them from doing jobs so that they can raise her and as soon as she was old enough to walk and talk, Susan was taught how to steal and not get caught. At the age of 16, her father was caught by the police and was sentenced to 30 years in jail. Susan and her mother quickly left Europe and changed identities. Other : Speaks 2 languages fluently(English and German) and a little bit of Russian. Susan while not having a lot of money and a bad upbringing was smart enough to enter MIT on a full scholarship. Her talent at hacking devices, pull them apart and change their purpose made her feel at home at MIT. When she finished MIT, her mother retired and Susan didn’t know what do to exactly with her life from then on. She could continue stealing or get a legal job, both had their advantages and disadvantages. Skills : Hacking electronical devices, engineering skills and stuff related to that area of expertise. [/hider]