[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/nvmyR3A.png[/img] [color=e62020]Location:[/color] Class to class [color=e62020]Interacting with:[/color] Rachel [sub]([@lovely complex])[/sub] [hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/QqbDHXD.gif[/img][hr][/center] [indent]As the day had went on, Jade found herself drifting through most of it. English proved to be rather uneventful. She found out that she had a group with Nicholas Chen and that Aiden guy. It was apparently centered around lies and betrayal. It was as if the big guy upstairs was having a little fun with irony, considering Jade knows all too well about those two things, and they are two things she will never be able to escape. It’s not like it really mattered, anyway. It was an assignment. Regardless how she felt about it, Jade would do her part despite how much it seemed meaningless to her. When English let out, Jade had trig, which was, if nothing else, another excuse to drill useless information into the poor students' minds. Jade couldn't tell you what he taught because she found herself drifting in and out. Even if Thorne was kind of hot, it didn't change the fact that it was a math class and Jade couldn't process math so early in the morning. She needed to escape fast, lest she go a little insane. Eventually, when the bell had rung, Jade got her shit into her bag, and jolted for the door in a brisk walk. She didn’t want to get stuck behind the mob of students who had the same idea. Thankfully, she wasn’t part of the masses that would have difficulties squeezing through the door. It helped to had picked a seat closest to the door. And with that, Jade went to her next class, which was her first elective. Thankfully, it was a class that she was looking forward to. And it was also one that flew by. Creative Writing that was taught by the English Teacher. It was pretty much a rinse and repeat of trig: teacher spent time talking about what assignments were going to be assigned, but at least Jade found herself entirely focused on what he was saying. To her, this course meant just as much to her as music did. It was an outlet in which she could creatively express herself. As such, Jade actually was excited. Yeah, she might be a bit of a nerd in that regard. Sounded off the bell, and Jade was once again free, being left to her devices for the brief period in-between periods. In that time, Jade put what she needed to in her locker, and only got what she needed for what seemed to be a hellish nightmare of a class: P.E. Everything about this class was dreadful. From who taught it to how everyone that Jade knew despised her, she was not looking forward to it one bit. Halfway to the gym, she had the thought to just skip it. Not like she would be missed. Jade might get into trouble with the principal and it’s likely she’ll hear it from her Aunt Veronica - maybe her Uncle Charlie too if he’s home, which usually he is. After contemplating it for about half of a minute, Jade shrugged. There wasn’t much use in her missing the first class. What’s the worse that could happen? And, as Jade would reach the gym, and see what was going to be planned… You just had to jinx it, didn’t you? Of all things, a fucking dodgeball match. And her team didn’t exactly have a lot of tanks, now did they? A couple, but not enough. While there was certainly a decent number on the opposing team, Jade couldn’t help but grit her teeth when she saw Jareth Wells was on the opposing team. Somewhere deep in her gut, she felt an odd sensation go through her body. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of it - but Jade didn’t have time to dwell on it. Time was ticking, and she needed to get changed. Location was girl’s locker room, and Jade was in front of the little locker that had been assigned to her. She quickly got changed into the assigned gym clothes that consisted of black gym shorts that came to about mid-thigh and a grey shirt. Due to Jade’s mildly-curvy body, the shorts felt a little tighter than they should have. The shirt was a little loose due to Jade’s thin torso(minus her bust). While Jade was in the process of tying her sneakers snug on her feet, she overheard two voices talking: Rachel and, if her memory served her right, that Ash chick -the one always hanging around Rachel like some kind of puppy. It’s cute to a degree, but Jade often wonders when Rachel will get a clue. They seemed to be talking about a bunch of boring crap. Something about vanilla perfume and a few other things that Jade phased out for her own sanity. She was about to leave until she heard something that caught her interest: they had a plan for the dodgeball game. And from the sounds of it, Jade was liking where it was heading. She snickered to herself, knowing that P.E. might just not be as dreadful as she had thought earlier. Jade wanted to keep a close ear on them, so she shadowed them casually. She would only wait a moment or two after they left the locker room before she left herself, keeping her blue-green eyes on them as she walked about the gymnasium. She was probably about five or so feet away. It was far enough as to not raise additional eyebrows(come on, it’s Jade, so of course she’s going to get eyes staring at her), but definitely close enough so that she could be of earshot. Before Jade took the lap, she saw that Rachel girl was chatting with the Coach. If only she could get closer, but eyes were staring at her, so she had to take that lap. That didn’t mean she couldn’t go slow, which was exactly what Jade did. Her reason behind this was to do it at a pace so that Rachel could pass her, and when she did, Jade said, “[color=e62020]I heard you chatting with Rachel. If you’re going to do this - like for real - I want in,[/color]” Jade’s arm went on Rachel's shoulder, aiming to slow her, “[color=e62020]After all, us girls have to stick together, after all.[/color]” Jade gave Rachel a mischievous wink.[/indent]