[@Suku][@Sho Minazuki][@HereComesTheSnow][@Write] [B]Gratia Mindaro - Campus Grounds[/b] [Color=66cd00][i]Is he legitimately retarded?[/i][/color] The quiet buzzing of her Beacon-provided Scroll, however, distracted Gratia from voicing her thoughts to the brain-addled moron(s?) standing before her. Pulling out the device from a pocket, she dispassionately brought open the messaging application with a tap of a pale finger, flicking through to the newest message. As expected, it was from Nuit; nobody else would have made use of a group chat to contact her. Reading over the text, she decided that she would provide a response later. There was business she needed to address with the Faunus in person. Right now she needed to meet up with her parents. They must have arrived by now. "[Color=66cd00]Galla, take this,[/color] she said, handing over a notebook and a pen to her younger sister. "[Color=66cd00]Record any correlation between emotional state and hair motion.[/color]" Galla, true to form, did not question the directive, merely nodding in the affirmative. With that, the elder Mindaro immediately handed a folded map (with annotations) to the more excitable-looking of Luke's sisters before walking off. As much as she wanted to make sense of his shitty hair (which appeared to, for a reason only the Lord could have fucking known, run in the family), finding her parents was a greater priority. They were likely following the directions given on the map she had sent, and if she knew them as well as she thought they did ... They were probably already heading towards the dorm. And being exposed to Vega Venetia. --- [b]Mindaro Mondays[/b] "[color=9ACD32]Then I hope you can continue to be a good leader for her,[/color]" said Severa, beaming at Vega. "[color=9ACD32]She doesn't have a strong tendency for making friends, so please stay by her side for us.[/color]"