[img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/f8/62/55/f8625544aa01190591df21698382ab07.jpg[/img] Name: Jesamy (Jess-Amee) Wonderland Persona: The White Rabbit Age: she's not exactly sure... perhaps 20-ish... maybe... Gender: Female Appearance: Jesamy is around 5'8, she only wears black and white, her eyes are black, because of her features it can be difficult at times for people to tell her gender. She wears a mask just because she can. [hider=mask][img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/eb/4d/e2/eb4de28185f1cae9c44cb8ec3e7be7fb.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality: Jesamy has the personality of a 12 year old. Well, a psychotic 12 year old. Slightly childish, she enjoys talking in a singsong voice to scare people. She thinks it's funny when people are terrified. She herself doesn't hurt people. That might get blood on her outfit and she doesn't like being dirty. She carries a large watch around with her, obsessed with time and being punctual. Jesamy acts as the queen's messenger. She is happy and jolly as long as things are running smoothly and on time. If things run behind schedule she gets a little... twitchy... History: Jesamy inherited the watch from her father, the Red Queen's former messenger. She is new to the job but already loves it. She gets to travel throughout Wonderland, delivering messages to people the queen has ordered execut-... er, invited to tea... yeah... people are scared when they see her coming because she usually, and gleefully, brings bad news. She is very loyal to the queen, not just because she wants to live but because she likes being rewarded for a job well done. Being the queen's errand girl might bother some people, but Jesamy doesn't really have any other purpose or desires in life. She knows eventually she will have to choose a mate and get preggars with the next line of royal messengers, but she is putting it off for a while.