CS: Name: Horace Alexander Age: 23 Gender: male PIC or Discription: [url]https://goo.gl/images/qluwhL[/url] Biography: A natural born scholar, though not classified as genius, he has always enjoyed studying and learning anything of interest. This aspect of his displayed itself early on in his development. He would take to the libraries of his schools using them as refuges for his mind. Before reaching the age of ten he had already absorbed the tales and fantasies of over two thousand books. His inclination to read any book or article of interest did not decline. While not entirely athletic his body was not atrophied or laden with layers of fat, this was mainly due to the active nature of the rest of his family. They were busy bodies, workaholics, and athletes. While it he did not shape himself as they did some of their attributes still managed to rub off on him. All through school he passed it more or less in the confines of his own mind never worrying about his future. His parents had built a sizable business which, as the oldest son by more than ten years, he would get to administer and eventually inherit setting him up for life. This allowed him to indulge in his pleasures. While he did not have any ambitions for his future, he did however collect a vast reservoir of knowledge.