I've been working on my character but need another day to complete [hider=WIP][hr][hr] [center][img]http://img14.deviantart.net/f69f/i/2015/280/7/1/night_watchman_by_ptitvinc-d9bsk3b.jpg[/img] [hr][hr] [url=http://fontmeme.com/fonts/germania-one-font/][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170329/424e494c81bd86dcdbcbd8190ba7a664.png[/img][/url][/center] Age: 106 Physical Description: Race: Ko Seki [hider=Details]The Ko Seki are an engineered race left over from a Galactic Empire that died out more than 50,000 years ago who escaped captivity and formed their own society. Based on the premises that the strongest should rule they are a warrior based society ruled over by an Empress who is considered the mortal equivalent of their Goddess Sa Leene and fought the Toliath as brutally as they had ever fought anyone before and would have been wiped out as a race till the Invaders realized that they had demonstrated to the Ko Seki their power and the warriors of the planet would surrender if they captured the Empress and made treaty with her. This negotiation gave the Toliath a race perfect to act as mercenaries for their goals.[/hider] Gender: Female Specialty: War Priestess, Doctor Likes: Dislikes: Inventory: (To keep the clutter on board the Delilah to a minimum, you're limited to a maximum of 8 items) Bio: (The invasion happened in a timescale of 10 years and they've been running Ignatius Galaxy ever since. What was your life like before you decided to run away? Who or what did you leave behind?) Miscellaneous: (To show that you've been paying attention, go ahead and put your character's favorite quote in this section, as well as anything else you'd want to add that the other sections didn't cover) [/hider]