[@HushedWhispers] Here you go. Let me know what you think. :) [hider=Danny][center][h3][color=Green]Danny de Vega[/color][/h3] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/c03880a0ff07b5891d9c812ac0c34db2/tumblr_inline_n7o1h4s8el1syo0jf.gif[/img] [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdamkdoORW1qzlt9yo8_r1_250.gif[/img] [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdamkdoORW1qzlt9yo5_r1_250.gif[/img] [sub][b]"[i]There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.[/i]"[/b][/sub] -[b]Lennon[/b][hr][hr] [/center] [color=green][b]Name;[/b][/color] [indent]Danilo de Vega[/indent] [color=Green][b]Nickname;[/b][/color] [indent]Danny[/indent] [color=Green][b]Birth Date;[/b][/color] [indent]March 27[/indent] [color=Green][b]Age;[/b][/color] [indent]21[/indent] [color=Green][b]Zodiac Sign;[/b][/color] [indent]Aries[/indent] [color=Green][b]Gender;[/b][/color] [indent] Male[/indent] [color=green][b]Sexuality;[/b][/color] [indent]Straight, probably.[/indent] [color=green][b]Rich or Poor;[/b][/color] [indent]Barely scraping by[/indent] [color=green][b]Trust Fund or Scholarship;[/b][/color] [indent]Scholarship[/indent] [color=green][b]Major;[/b][/color] [indent]Political Science[/indent] [color=green][b]Minor;[/b][/color] [indent]Performing arts[/indent] [color=green][b]Occupation;[/b][/color] [indent] Danny takes whatever job he can get so long as he has enough to sustain himself and his family back home. He'd go to waiting tables at a diner near the uni; an assistant cook at times and does deliveries for his boss.[/indent] [color=green][b]Social Status;[/b][/color] [indent]Lower Middle[/indent] [color=green][b]Spending Habits;[/b][/color] [indent]Budget [/indent][hr] [color=green][b]In Depth Appearance;[/b][/color] [indent] It's safe to figure that Danilo is quite an appealing individual, both personally and physically, with his quirky good looks and boyish charm. He finds himself more or less, average looking, doesnt really surpass enough to be called a hunk, nor be defined as ugly, thus most of the time he is left ignored, or unnoticed. His wavy hair would sometimes slide over his face, which he constantly brushes back annoyingly, his eyes are a dark shade of brown and his jaw grows a slightly visible stubble. He stands around 5'7, considered quite short, normal to some, for an average male. He has an average to stocky build with some flab around the edges, evidently shows that he does keep himself in shape. [/indent] [color=green][b]Clothing Style;[/b][/color] [indent] Danny doesnt have much of a clue when it comes to the latest and trendiest fashion, so he'd most of the time wear whatever he thinks is practical. He doesnt bother too much on clothing, preferring whatever there is in his closet that makes him comfortable enough for the day. At most he wears a plain t shirt over a jacket; denims, flannels or vests, a pair of denim pants and white worn out sneakers. [/indent][hr] [color=green][b]Likes;[/b][/color] [indent]-Socializing -Animals -Grocery shopping -Theatre shows -B rated action movies -Action figures -Spending time with his 5 year old daughter (yes, he's a father) -Dad jokes [/indent] [color=green][b]Dislikes;[/b][/color] [indent]-Tea -Politics -Lying to people -overwhelming crowds -vegan dishes -Horror films. Specially the docu style ones. [/indent] [color=green][b]Habits;[/b][/color] [indent]- Makes paper airplanes out of any spare paper he is left with - Always have a pack of fruit gum with him - Randomly sings when deep in doing something[/indent] [color=green][b]Hobbies;[/b][/color] [indent]- Collecting mini action figures - Watching theatre musicals - Singing - Cooking and sharing some to his buddies.[/indent] [color=green][b]Fears;[/b][/color] [indent]-Never seeing her daughter ever, or if anything bad happens to her -Ghosts, or anything undead and the afterlife.[/indent] [color=green][b]Personality Traits;[/b][/color] [indent][center]Jovial | Attentive | Over Zealous | Self Deprecating | Craven[/center][/indent] [color=green][b]Personality;[/b][/color] [indent] Danilo was quite the little imp in his youth, getting in all sorts of trouble and just loves to have fun and make fun of people. But he considers the times aren't what they used to now, forcing himself to grow up the day his daughter was born, a one of a kind wake up call he always thought. He is rather convivial though looking like the sort who couldn't take life seriously, Danny actually has a mature outlook in life, knowing that he should be working hard whilst balancing his studies and knowing well how to budget his pay to support himself and his daughter. Despite his own disappointments in the past Danny learned to appreciate and take pride in the little things he does, as if internally making up for all the fuck ups he did when he was much younger and dumb. He seems to show a lot of his mother's attitude, caring and attentive with those whom he truly cares for. He would spend an amount of effort and time on those who need attention, giving all the support he can give. At times he over does his objectives leaving him little time to breathe. He shows quite a bit of insecurity, and whenever he does something embarrassing or unfulfilling he would mask his disappointments with self targeted jokes. He is craven in a sense, he would back out at certain situations if it proves to be too perilous or foolish, therefore he fears of taking huge risks, may be that he undervalues himself or his abilities, and would rather settle for something enough or less but with a safety net. [/indent][hr] [color=green][b]Place of Origin;[/b][/color] [indent]LA, California[/indent] [color=green][b]Background;[/b][/color] [indent]Danilo all his life grew up in California, but his family originally was from El Paso, Texas. He is the youngerst of three children and most of the time he's left ignored in the household, though not necessarily because his mother cares little of him, his mother works a couple of day jobs to sustain for her kids and at most she is rarely seen in the house. His dad was out of the picture, with his mother raising all three of them alone. Danilo's family had barely enough to get by, though his grandmother would sometimes provide for them in anyway she can, even watching over her grandkids for the most when his mother was away. As kids they would stay at their abuelas in the evenings, where they would watch [i]ìAy, Carmela![/i] and Dracula on cassette, and after she would tell them stories, most of them being about ghosts and of the paranormal to which Danny has found his fear of such. It didnt help that his brother and sister's would make it a habit of teasing him whenever they do. As a teen he was a fun loving and outgoing individual. He had a laid back attitude and doesn't really care much with his responsibilities in school until he got his girlfriend at that time pregnant. At first he was afraid and didn't want to get involve with his mistake until he held his daughter, Pollyanna into his arms for the first time then he only felt the stinging slap of reality, that he had to make due and get serious with his life. Though he and his former girlfriend had long broken up, they remained in contact with each other for the sake of their daughter. He had developed a love for performing as a child, and has been an active drama club member all throughout middleschool and highschool. Once he completes his major, he plans on moving on to Police training. [/indent] [color=pink][b]Extra;[/b][/color] [indent]Greta Gerwig[/indent][hr][/hider]