The island of Mokai. Lush forests, tall mountains, deep crevices and...newly discovered. The island is as big as you care to explore, emphasized by the [i]wonder maps[/i] that reveal more of themselves as you travel to new places. With plenty of place to go, the sky's the limit. Mokai's locals are friendly people who enjoy many of the same hobbies as people in other places, among which of course Pokémon battles. While technology isn't very advanced yet due to Mokai's isolation, they do sell early types of poké balls, as well as homecrafted poké balls made of apricorn. More than forests, mountains, crevices or anything else, Mokai is said to contain hoards of treasure, scattered across the island. One such treasure exceeds all others, it is said to contain anything that has ever been lost; The rift-hoard. Locals confirm that many treasures are spread throughout Mokai, but while they might be worth tons in the outside world, on Mokai they are only worth a fraction of this value due to their commonality. [i]You[/i] have managed to get on a ship to Mokai. Each of you has their own reasons, some might've run away from home, others might just be looking for adventure or wealth. Either way, you and your Pokémon are boarding a ship towards Mokai where you'll be starting off this new adventure. [b]Mokai welcomes you.[/b] [Hider=Rules:] 1. Limits: If you don't have the solution to an obstacle, you don't have it. Simple as that. 2. Conflict: Try to keep it IC if there is any. Keep in mind, it's the characters talking IC, not the players. 3. Characters: Act your age. You play a kid? Act like one. You play an old-timer? Complain about how your bones ache. No, this is not a call to act immature, but be realistic in your character's behavior. 4. Items: You get food, clothes, 5 poké balls, and $2000. You may also take 1 hold item for your starting Pokémon, but only basics. common berries, Soft sand, Mystic water, etc. For an exception...You'll have to ask nicely. 5. The CS Submit your CS to OOC before putting it in the Characters tab. 6. Posts 5 Full Lines, bare minumum. This is a Free RP for speed posts, not for being lazy. [/Hider] [Hider=Map:] You guys don't have a map yet! [/Hider] [hider=Raw CS] Appearance: (Preferably a picture, but again, anything goes) Name: Showdown Account Name: Age: Gender: Inventory: -Pokeballs x? $???? Basic personality: (Nothing that requires too much detail, I'd rather see it IC) Basic history: (You may keep it secret from others, and you may state all there is to your bio is a dead-average life) Starting town: (town where your character was raised, the first scene will likely be arrival at Mokai or the boat there.) Others: (Specific skills, Theme song or something, knock yourself out) Team: [Pokemon 1] ~Ability -Move -Move -Move -Move @Item [Pokemon 2] Etc. [/hider] [Hider=How this will go down] Trainer battles will be held via [url][/url]. Wild battles will be handled in true RP fashion, you state your attack on the opponent and the opponent's retaliation, and so on until either one is defeated, players may decide on this themselves. If you wish to [i]catch[/i] a wild pokémon, do the same, but end the battle with trowing a poke ball [b]at a point where the pokémon hasn't yet fainted[/b]. I will make the final call on the result. If you guys find an item, once more, I'll make that call. [/Hider]