[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball/images/9/97/WorldMartialArtsTSymbol.png/revision/latest?cb=20150523145742[/img] [h3][i]"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the 20th annual World Martial Arts Tournament![/i][/h3][/center] [hr] The World Martial Arts Tournament, the greatest spectacle in martial arts and combat, showcasing the physical feats of the world's greatest and best-trained martial fighters. For the past 100 years, the tournament has been held at this very monastery, and has crowned some of history's most noble warriors as champion. People travel from all across the Earth to bear witness to this entertaining adventure, and the winner returns home with a mass of adoring fans, and a grand prize of 500,000 Zeni. According to tradition, the rules have remained the same over these many years, and are as follows: 1. Any contestant who comes into contact with the ground outside the ring, is considered defeated and loses the match 2. Any contestant who is knocked down, and unable to stand after a 10-count, is considered defeated and loses the match. 3. Any contestant who concedes defeat, or declares that they give up, is considered defeated and loses the match. 4. If both contestants are knocked down, and neither can stand after a 10-count, the match is considered a draw. However, if this happens in the final match, the battle enters sudden death mode, and the first person to stand upright on both feet and repeat the sentence "I am the Champion!" is considered the winner of the tournament. 5. Any weapons that are not a physical body part to the participant are prohibited. 6. Any protective gear that is not physically part of the participant's body is prohibited. Protective groin cups are the only exception. 7. Eye gouges, hair pulling, biting, and groin shots are absolutely prohibited. In the event of a dispute over whether or not such an attack occurred, an official judge will make the final decision. 8. Under all circumstances, fatally wounding or killing an opponent is absolutely prohibited. In the event of a proclaimed accidental killing, an official judge will make the final decision. The tournament has two official parts, the preliminary combat, and the final tournament bracket. In the preliminaries, the various participants fight in 1-minute-long matches, with a final winner being declared by an official judge after the time limit is reached. After all but 8 participants have been eliminated, their names are shuffled into the official tournament bracket, and the public matches begin. [hr] So there you have it, the rules and description for the 20th World Martial Arts Tournament. I chose this specific tournament number to prevent any conflict with tournaments actually appearing in Dragon Ball or Z, and also because I prefer the tournament rules from the Original Dragon Ball over those found in the Z era. As far as character capabilities, I'd prefer something on par with the capabilities of characters in Dragon Ball, with ki-blasts being kept to a minimum, and flying not being a possibility. I'd like to get as close to 8 players as possible, but if need be I can create NPCs to fill any gaps we may have in the tournament. I'd rather not do the preliminaries as actual matches posted in the IC, rather assume that all our characters made it past them, with who you fought in the preliminaries being up to you guys, if you wanna include them in character histories, or reference them in your posts. So, anyone interested?