[b]Name:[/b] Mia Ellis [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/bc/3b/b1/bc3bb1fbe03c493d3868372e19ec1192.jpg[/img] [b]Biography[/b]: Born to a father who never wanted her and a mother who didn’t care enough to stay, Mia didn’t spend very long living with the person who she lovingly referred to as; “Sperm Donor”. He had a strong hand and a weak mind, knuckles and a bottle of whiskey his only means of expressing himself, meanwhile her mother couldn't do anything but cry and pack her bags. Too weak to stand up for herself, but strong enough to leave, Mia's mother never did return from the grocery store the day she left. She was first put into the system when she was seven years old, after the neighbors had finally gotten the nerve to call someone about the screaming, but she jumped houses so often that it didn’t really matter to her where she was staying. A kleptomaniac, Mia paid no mind to who something belonged to; if she wanted it, she would have it. When she was about fourteen she started hustling drugs, only using the cash to re-up and saving the rest. She had a goal for herself. She wanted to be able to live on her own and fully support herself by the time she was eighteen. Sixteen rolled around and she had quit the game, dropping out of school to work a full time job as a waitress. She continued working like this until she was able to legally emancipate herself from the system at seventeen. Renting a small, one-room apartment, working a full time job, living life how she wanted-- everything was finally looking up for Mia. But then; she disappeared. Nobody knew where she had gone to, not even Mia, but she at least knew one thing. There was no way she was ever turning back. ((Sorry for the kind of short character sheet! I was a little bit stressed for time but wanted to put something up here. I'm excited to see where this RP goes.))