The salty ocean winds make for a pleasant breeze on this sunny afternoon. Last night was a little stormy, but everyone made it through (mostly) unharmed. Today marks the third and final day on the way to Mokai. The crew rushes off to do all manner of preparations when land finally comes into sight. Everyone on the ship is gathered on the top deck, it seems there is some kind of announcement. With everyone gathered (not actually all that many people, mostly crew), a young man steps onto a small pedestal and adresses the 'crowd'. [color=8dc73f]"Good day, everyone! This is your captain speaking."[/color] To which the old man by his side turns to the younger man with an unsatisfied look. [color=8dc73f]"I'm kidding. Beside me is our actual captain, who has been so kind as to agree to bring us here today. Thank you, mister Jones, we appreciate what you're doing for us. Relatively few people would have agreed to sail such a distance on such short notice.[/color] The captain, 'mister Jones' scratches his head and makes a little bow, receiving applause from the crew before leaving the gathering, presumably returning to the bridge. The young man smiles as the captain leaves, once more turning his attention to the crowd gathered before him. [color=8dc73f]"My name is Hiro, I am the one financing this journey. I was surprised to see so many of you looking to join in on this voyage, but I'm certain you have all found it enjoyable, yes? Though perhaps I should get to the point. Soon we'll reach Mokai island. While I'm sure all of you knew where you were going before you went aboard, I feel an introduction might be in order. Mokai island is an island with a lot of wildlife, so be careful out there. You might also have heard it was recently discovered, this is true and because of this not many ships set sail to Mokai island. Beware that once you set foot on the island you might very well be stuck here for more than a month. Those of you who do not like this foresight are free to stay on the boat and join the crew on their way back."[/color] With his introduction finished, Hiro grabbed a luxury ball from his belt. [color=8dc73f]"Of course, no journey is complete without a pokémon battle, so I've prepared a small tournament. Pick an opponent and let's go!"[/color]