[center][color=a187be][b][i]Annabeth Gulch[/i][/b][/color][/center] There was no time to fear. If there was one lesson Satori taught her about psychomancy, it's that emotions fuel it. Fear can be a powerful source, but it is selfish and will often only serve to delay the inevitable. If Annabeth wanted to run away fear would be helpful. But that wasn't her intentions. She was going to save people's lives; if she was fearful, she wouldn't be successful. No, she needed confidence. Bravery. Courage. Yes, she was concerned about the threat that faced the students and could potentially kill her. But it wasn't fear that made her go forward, her blade drawn, to defend her friends and associates. Today, she would tap into her heroism. The scene was horrific, even in the darkness. Two dead bodies, two frighten students, and another nightmare. Annabeth remembered the monster well; it was the same creature that attacked them during Lyn's hunt. She did a bit of research after that incident and knew some of the creature's abilities, but she has never seen it since. Gripping her estoc tightly she regretted loosing so many arrows, but she wasn't going to give up so soon. Taking out the crossbow Athalus had handed her Annabeth leveled the weapon at the nightmare and fired at it's flank. She knew the single arrow wouldn't kill the creature, but it should get it's attention. Then she focused her magic on the nightmare: she created a sort of illusion that would make herself seem glowing like Athalus and Darell, while making everyone else a bit more faded. This way the monster's attention would be on her. If her experience with the beast before was any indication, it liked to use it's teleportation to get a sneak attack on it's targets. So bracing her estoc for it to charge right at her was useless, Annabeth needed to be much more perceptive of her environment. But as fate would have it, such awareness is what Annabeth specializes in. Unlike Ssarak who could defeat Annabeth in a straight duel of the mind and blade, Annabeth's talents lies in her synchronicity in the chaos of battle, or in this instance, against a slippery enemy. Annabeth's passive wide concentration telepathy would allow her to be constantly aware of the position of herself, her allies, and her enemies, while her illusion would ensure that the creature wouldn't try to target them. And if he did, Annabeth would be aware. She did note the slight wavering in her grip; she's been using quite a bit of blood in a short time. She was certain she could manage, but she had made a mental note to conserve her mage blood. The last thing she needed was to suffer from blood sickness. Gently putting the crossbow onto the floor, Annabeth took on a defensive stance against the shadowy beast. [color=a187be]"En garde, vile monster!"[/color] Making sure she didn't get in Helena's way as she attacked, Annabeth charged the beast, ready for it to try and gore her or teleport elsewhere. [i][b][center]DIPLOMACY MISSION[/center][/b][/i] The Baron looked over to Ssarak, listening to him with a passive expression. He was no stranger to people putting their own factions in a better light. If one asked other Barons how their lands were, you'd think they lived in the land of the gods. But Sanguine wasn't quite so naive, and he was certain the the college was still recovering from their own demon attack. Which only made the transition to the demons in Sanguine's own land all the more smoother. [b]"Ah yes, the demons... I suppose that's really the most important thing recently, no?"[/b] Standing up, Sanguine moved towards Ssarak and shook his hand, leaning in close to speak quickly and quietly. [b]"Demons are among us. Even I cannot stop them alone. I cannot speak openly, however when you leave today ask the maid in blue for your horses. She shall leave you all that I know of the demons. You must leave soon, before the demons realize your business here."[/b] The baron spoke with urgency that Ssarak could well recognize, even if his face wore the mask of a man celebrating mirth and merriment. [b]"Thank you for coming today. You college folk are always a joy to keep. Please, tell Lucilia to send letters sometimes. I do miss our hearty debates and conversations."[/b] The vampire lord then dismissed the college students, allowing other barons and baronesses to meet and converse with the man. The rest of the students were free to dine and converse as they pleased, as sure enough there was a maid in blue standing near the exit of the grand hall among other maids. Though she too was a vampire, she was visibly elderly and her uniform was much more elaborate, marking her as a head maid. The party continued without much issues, with only the occasional vampire noble stopping by the group to chat and ask about the college. No fights broke out, and no one at the moment seemed to be actively trying to harm or otherwise bother the college students.